August 10, 2021 2.00 pm This story is over 34 months old

Recap: A Level results day in Lincolnshire

See the highlights

After weeks of anticipation, A Level students across Lincolnshire are finding out their results – based this year on teacher assessments.

Follow The Lincolnite’s coverage for highlights:

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy – over 50% A*/A grades for “determined” students

Ellie-Anne Botham was among the top performers, getting four A* grades. | Photo: Sir Robert Pattinson Academy

Students at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy in North Hykeham collectively celebrated their A Level results today, as the year group achieved a 100% pass rate.

More than half of those who passed achieved A or A* grades, meaning a large number of students are set to move onto university and apprenticeships.

Headteacher Dale Hardy said: “The students faced a challenging year with an unparalleled set of circumstances and we are incredibly proud of their resilience and determination.

“The results are testament to the hard work of students and staff and they thoroughly deserve all that they have achieved despite the demands upon them. We look forward to seeing them go out and make their mark on the world – whether in continued education or in new careers.”

Boston College – 100% pass rate for sixth year running

There was yet more success for Boston College, as Year 13s achieved 100% pass rate for the sixth consecutive year. | Photo: Boston College

Remote studies and a global pandemic didn’t get in the way of Boston College’s A Level students, who achieved a 100% pass rate in their results. It is the sixth year running that the college has recorded these levels of success.

49% of students achieved grades between A* and B, and 80% are progressing onto higher education. This includes Rheanna Arbon, who got AAA in English Literature, Film Studies and Media Studies, meaning she will now go to the University of Kent to study Cultural Studies, Media and Journalism.

Vicki Locke, Deputy Principal said, “Our learners have shown a real determination to achieve the very best results amidst exceedingly challenging times. We are delighted that their hard work, commitment and resilience has paid off.

“The high proportion of grades at A*/A/B show their brilliant standards of work and the exceptional progress made by our learners despite the disruption caused by the pandemic.”

Sir William Robertson Academy – Pride for “wonderful” group of students

Evie Pearson (left), Charlie Hamilton (centre) and Katie Randall (right) were among many to achieve great results in their A Levels at Sir William Robertson Academy. | Photo: Sir William Robertson Academy

The majority of Sir William Robertson Academy Year 13 students were celebrating as they secured places at their first-choice universities, after achieving great A Level results.

Head student Evie Pearson achieved A*AA in English Literature, English Language and Drama to get a place at Kings College London to study Drama.

As well as this, Dominika Kubanek from Leasingham got A*AA in Maths, further Maths and Physics, and will now go to the University of Southampton to study Physics with Astrophysics.

Miss Charlotte Wilson, Head of Sixth Form, said: “I am extremely proud of this Year 13 cohort who have achieved so well.

“They have faced unprecedented challenges with continued resilience and their hard work and determination has paid off.

“Throughout their time at sixth form they have developed skills and gained knowledge that they can confidently take forward into their chosen destinations. I have no doubt that this wonderful group of young people will be very successful and I wish them all the best for the future.”

Lincoln UTC – 100% pass

UTC student Rudi Konrath achieved A*A*A* in A Level maths, physics, and further maths

UTC students achieved a 100% A Level pass rate with 41% of results graded from A*-A and 78% from A*-C.

Roughly half of the students in the sixth form study a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering, equivalent to 3 A Levels, and 100% of students on this course passed with 71% achieving a distinction grade.

“This has been a very difficult year for us all but particularly for year 13 students who have endured disruption to their studies for the last two academic years. Therefore, we are particularly pleased that despite numerous challenges our students have achieved excellent and very well-deserved A Level results.” said the Principal of Lincoln UTC, John Morrison.

UTC student Rudi Konrath achieved A*A*A* in A Level maths, physics, and further maths. In September he will begin a four-year MEng degree programme in engineering at Peterhouse College with the University of Cambridge.

Rudi’s mother, Amanda Konrath, said: “Rudi has always been inspired and motivated to aim high, and his incredible work ethic is born from the ethos of the college.”

North Kesteven Academy – ‘Perseverance in difficult circumstances’

Ceri Thomas (left), Katie Baddon (centre) and Eleanor Stephens (right) among the happy ones at NK Academy as A Level results come in. | Photo: NK Academy

Students at North Kesteven Academy in North Hykeham were feeling proud as they found out their fate on results day, achieving a 100% pass rate.

Eleanor Stephens achieved A*A* in psychology and sociology, as well as a Distinction* in Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate in Business. She will go to Cardiff University to study psychology with a professional placement.

Headteacher Jo Tunnicliffe said: “This year has been one of the most challenging years students have had to face, not only in terms of their academic studies but also dealing with becoming adults in difficult and ever-changing circumstances.

“Many students have had to endure periods of isolation due to Covid,
which has made it much more difficult to complete their qualifications successfully.

“The perseverance they have shown and the encouragement and support they have received constantly and consistently by our talented and dedicated teachers has been tremendous to see. We are so pleased with what has been achieved this year.”

Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School – 97% pass rate and Oxbridge beckons for students

Students at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School achieved a 97% pass rate. | Photo: Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School

There was more A Level success at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School on Wragby Road, as 97% of students achieved a pass rate, 80% of those grades coming at A* to B grade or equivalent.

The vast majority of students will be going to their first-choice universities, and some have even been offered places at Oxford and Cambridge.

Martin McKeown, headteacher at LCHS, said: “The students have been fabulous, and their resilience has been rewarded with some of the best grades the school has ever seen. These grades are well deserved, the students have worked hard and deserve this recognition.

“The staff have been amazing these last few years, with all of its complications, they have shown a level of dedication and expertise beyond that expected. They are all superb and I would like to thank them for their hard work over this exceptionally difficult time.”

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