August 25, 2021 5.22 pm This story is over 34 months old

Stamford street tops Lincolnshire list for most parking fines

Three Lincoln streets in top spots

A Stamford street saw the most parking tickets handed out last year according to data from Lincolnshire County Council.

Figures show 24,225 parking fines were issued by the authority in the 2020-21 financial year, with Broad Street in Stamford seeing 708 tickets issued in total, mostly for parking longer than permitted.

However, the City of Lincoln was the district with the most tickets – issuing 10,275 fines – and has three streets in the top 10 locations – Silver Street, Waterside South and West Parade.

Although outside the top 10, in South Holland the worst road for parking charges was Sheep Market, Spalding, with 220 fines, while in West Lindsey, Church Street in Gainsborough received 48 fines.

In North Kesteven, Westgate in Sleaford saw 103 fines handed out.

Nearly 2,000 people – almost 10% of tickets- were charged for parking in a disabled space without displaying a disabled person’s badge, with 248 of those being caught out on Lincoln’s Silver Street.

However, most people were done for parking on single and double yellow lines (7,612) and parking for longer than permitted (7,582).

The number of parking fines issued in 2020-21 by district.

So far in 2021/22, the data shows 10,881 fines handed out up to August 1 – with 398 of those on Silver Street Lincoln, 309 on South Parade, Skegness and  288 on Market Place, Boston.

Take a look at the top 10 worst streets for parking fines between April 2020 and March 2021 (and their biggest issues):

  • Broad Street, Stamford, 708 fines (552 for parking longer than permitted)
  • Silver Street, Lincoln, 615 (248 parking in a disabled bay without a badge)
  • Market Place, Boston, 596 (257 parking in an area with waiting and loading restrictions)
  • Eastgate, Louth, 448 (303 parking in a space not designated for the vehicle class)
  • Lumley Road, Skegness, 332 (148 parking longer than permitted)
  • South Parade, Skegness, 320 (161 parking longer than permitted)
  • West Street, Boston, 316 (98 parking longer than permitted)
  • Waterside South, Lincoln, 315 (144 parking in a space not designated for the vehicle class)
  • West Parade, Lincoln, 304 (194 parking longer than permitted)