April 22, 2022 9.00 pm This story is over 26 months old

Police fears over Louth shop take over after illegal worker scandal

The licence was revoked from a previous owner last year

Lincolnshire Police fear a man allegedly in charge of a Louth shop at the time an illegal worker was found there will still be involved in its day-to-day business after his brother applied to take over.

Janushanth Thuraisingam has applied to East Lindsey District Council for a premises licence for the Premier Store on Newmarket in Louth.

East Lindsey District Council revoked the licence for the business from Nadarajah Kirubaharan in July last year after the premises was found to have employed an illegal worker, and breached conditions for the licence holder to make or authorise sales of alcohol.

However, in a report to be heard on May 3, Lincolnshire Police will say that during the period between March and May 2021, when the illegal worker was found, the former DPS (designated premises supervisor) was absent.

Instead, during their checks Mr Thuraisingam Kirushanth met police and claimed to be taking over the business. This man is believed to be Janushanth’s brother.

“The research carried out provided evidence to suggest that Mr Kirushanth had been in control of the business since February 2021 (and thus at the time the illegal worker was found),” said the report.

“He had, however, not completed the relevant transfer paperwork to put the premises licence into his name and nominate himself as DPS.”

Subsequent attempts by Mr Kirushanth to get temporary event notices were objected to by officers who said they “did not have any confidence in Mr Kirushanth” since he was in control of the shop when the ‘serious failings’ were previously found. They were subsequently withdrawn.

Now, Lincolnshire Police have objected to his brother’s application saying there is not enough evidence to “prove that there is a genuine takeover”.

They believe he is still behind the business, with his name still showing on VAT registration searches linked to the premises.

They said a visit to the shop carried out in March, when Mr Kirushanth was absent but was said to have gone to B&Q, confirmed he was still around.

A year-long lease submitted by the applicant suggests Mr Kirushanth could end it at any time, they said.

They said some paperwork had been provided but that they needed more to build any faith in the new owner.

“Lincolnshire Police are not satisfied that the applicant is going to take full control of this premises or do so separately from his brother who previously employed an illegal worker.

“Neither do Lincolnshire Police have confidence in the applicant’s ability to uphold the licensing objectives.”

If the licence is approved, officers have called on the licensing committee to include a condition for Mr Kirushanth to not be employed in any capacity or have any management or position of responsibility.