October 25, 2022 11.30 am This story is over 22 months old

New homes near leisure centre approved in Louth

The developer said the homes would be affordable

Plans for nearly 50 homes to be built near Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre have been approved.

Officers at East Lindsey District Council made a delegated decision to approve Hodgkinson Builders’ plans for the former Louth Wallis House land off Birch Road on Monday.

The new homes will be classed as affordable and will be a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership.

Originally, the plans were for 45 homes, however, officers allowed 47 homes to be built.

In their decision, officers said they “have worked with the applicant and their agent in a positive and proactive manner […] and now consider the proposal is acceptable and there is compliance with the relevant.”

The plans include a walkway linking the development through to Monks Dyke Road, along with a dog walking and exercise track and open space with benches and outdoor play equipment.

A site plan submitted to the authority.

A design and access statement submitted to the authority by the developers said the vision was for the site to “provide a distinctive and high quality but affordable development which enhances the urban character and which positively utilises the former brownfield site”.

The application received five objection letters from nearby residents with concerns around the environmental impacts, the number of homes, anti-social behaviour, noise and light pollution and the location of the proposed walkway.