March 14, 2023 3.00 pm This story is over 17 months old

Mum of stabbed schoolgirl calls Boston public safety meeting

Addressing fears after the tragic death

A public safety meeting has been called in Boston by the mother of nine-year-old stab victim Lilija Valutyte.

The event, to take place at the Centenary Methodist Church at 7pm on Friday, will seek to inform residents what is being done to address the public’s safety fears.

Lilija was found with a stab wound to her chest in Fountain Lane, Boston, Lincolnshire, on 28 July last year.

Her mother, Lina Savicke, has been working with former wrestler and Boston businessman Dale Broughton to organise the meeting.

Boston MP Matt Warman, council leader Paul Skinner and police representatives Superintendent Pat Coates and Inspector Colin Clarkson will attend.

Lina said: “I am extremely concerned about public safety in Boston and after my daughter Lilija died, I was promised that the council would arrange a public meeting to discuss the issues which people are concerned about.

“That meeting never took place so along with my friend Dale Broughton, we decided that we would organise it ourselves. Our aim to allow local residents to have their day in how the people of our town are kept safe.”

Dale said Lina had made several attempts to get a meeting organised until he stepped in.

“The meeting is to address the public’s concerns and get the chance to ask our panel, questions regarding our town centre and their worries,” he said.

“We want an open meeting with not just all negativity about Boston but some positivity, what we can hopefully achieve going forward.”

He hoped visitors would leave feeling Boston “maybe safer than they currently think”.

Lilia Valutyte was only nine years old when she was found stabbed in a Boston street. | Screenshot: BBC Look North/BBC News Hub

“Boston does have issues, as every town does up and down the country, but while [the town] is constantly seen in a negative way in local and national press, it won’t change.”

He pointed to cuts to PCSO numbers as well as changes to the provision of street lighting and CCTV over the past few years.

“We want at the end of the meeting, for everyone attending not to just leave with the same feeling as when they arrived. We hope the panel can explain and alleviate some of the fears people have.”

The meeting will be opened by the Mayor of Boston Councillor Anne Dorrian and chaired by Reverend Dr Val Ogden.

Lithuanian national Deividas Skebas, 22, has been charged with Lilia’s murder.

He is due before a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court on April 17.

For more information on the event visit here.

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