December 11, 2017 4.24 pm This story is over 80 months old

Lincolnshire Police to name and shame drink drivers over Christmas

Police hope this will make people think twice before drink driving.

Lincolnshire Police have warned that people charged with drink driving over the Christmas period will be publicly named.

The ‘Think Don’t Drink’ campaign will start on Monday, December 18 and run into the New Year.

The identities of people found to be driving under the influence of drugs will also be released.

Lincolnshire Police has made over 1,000 arrests for drink driving in the last year and over 150 arrests for driving under the influence of drugs. Nearly 70% of those people were charged.

Inspector Ewan Gell from the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “Drink-driving is still a problem in Lincolnshire but we are very good at catching offenders.

“Do not consume a drop if you are driving and be wary the morning after as you could still be over the limit.”

John Siddle from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership added: “Drink-drivers stand to lose so much when they make that decision to get behind the wheel – their livelihood, life, other people’s lives and possibly their liberty if they are sent to prison.

“The knock-on effects of that will be loss of job, possible loss of home, car insurance increase, possibly a re-sit of the driving test.

“I welcome Lincolnshire police’s decision to name those charged with driving whilst impaired, through drink or drugs, which adds to the list of deterrents already in place.”