January 22, 2020 4.12 pm This story is over 55 months old

Cautious welcome for £8.6m Lincolnshire Police funding announcement

Number crunching begins

Police chiefs are welcoming a near £9 million funding announcement by the Home Office today – but have warned the numbers still have to be crunched to find out what it really means.

Government bosses have this afternoon announced what they say is “the biggest funding increase” for a decade – with £1.1 billion of funding being made available nationwide.

They said it represents a 10% increase on core refuses and will go towards things like recruitment of the first 6,000 of the 20,000 officers Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised last year.

Of this, Lincolnshire Police’s breakdown of the funding is said to be £8.6 million – with Home Office saying the force will get total funding of £131.5 million.

However, it is understood that the funding is dependent on Police and Crime Commissioners “taking full advantage” of their police precept on council tax, as well as other factors such as recruitment targets and caps including capital expenditure.

It could mean that the actual cash could be much less than announced and bosses could be reluctant to call it “extra” money.

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones welcomed the announcement, however, said the details still had to be assessed and scrutinised.

“The dedication shown by the Government to keeping communities safe is very welcome and additional funding to support my commitment to deliver effective policing will make a real difference in the county,” he said.

“In the meantime I am delighted with the support this Government has shown to policing and its commitment to maintaining strong law and order on behalf of our residents.”

Lincolnshire Police next year faces a £7.5 million budget gap.

Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Bill Skelly. Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter.

Chief Constable Bill Skelly said: “We note positively today’s funding announcement from Government.

“Planning for various scenarios has been undertaken for some time and we will continue to work through the details as we receive more information.

“We continue to press for a safer and fairer distribution of central grant for Lincolnshire and remain hopeful that this Government’s commitment to Policing will improve our funding in the longer term.”

Mr Jones is set to announce his budget plans including any council tax rises following public consultation results being finalised next week.

A final budget should be agreed next month.

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