July 31, 2020 10.41 am This story is over 49 months old

July is the lowest month for new COVID-19 cases in Lincolnshire

92 coronavirus cases so far this month

July is set to be the month with the fewest cases of COVID-19 in Lincolnshire since the start of the pandemic.

There were six new positive coronavirus cases reported on the government’s dashboard late on Thrusday: three in Lincolnshire, two in North Lincolnshire and one in North East Lincolnshire.

There was also one new COVID-19 death in the same update, separate to hospital figures and organised by postcode, bringing the county total to 316.

Overall there have been 125 new cases across Greater Lincolnshire this month, not including a large dump of ‘pillar two’ data (from testing sites, mobile and home testing) by government on July 2.

Of those, 92 have been in Lincolnshire, and the county’s director for public health Derek Ward confirmed the month was set to be the lowest since the end of March.

On April 1 there had been 142 cases across Greater Lincolnshire, with 104 of those in Lincolnshire.

However, Mr Ward said cases would continue at a lower level.

“The chances of having zero cases are slim to none because clearly COVID is in general circulation, that’s why we’re still at the national level three alert.

“So we’ll keep seeing a number of positives each day, and it may well go up, but hopefully, if it does we can get it back down again.

“If we can keep it at this sort of level or in the single figures, that would be a really good outcome for the next couple of months.”

July 21-28 saw 3,500 tests carried out in the county, with just 17 confirmed positive cases – around three a day and 0.5% of those tested.

Mr Ward urged people to continue to get tested in line with the government’s latest advertising campaign – no matter how mild symptoms were.

He reiterated the previous lockdown messages including keeping as much social distance as possible, having good hygiene, wearing face coverings in shops and being cautious if people don’t feel confident in a shop or restaurant.

He said this was particularly important in the face of the Eat Out to Help Out  50% off food scheme in August.

“The message we need to get out is to support the responsible hospitality places, and we’ve got lots of them across the country,” he said.

“We’re doing a fantastic job of keeping people safe, but if you happen to go somewhere you don’t feel comfortable, just walk back out, let the management know or you can vote with your feet.”