November 6, 2017 11.56 am This story is over 81 months old

Consultation underway on proposed changes to admissions policies for some Lincolnshire schools

All parents of children aged between two and 18 are entitled to take part.

A consultation is now underway on proposed changes to admissions policies for schools in Lincolnshire for the 2019 intake.

This year, Lincolnshire County Council is proposing changes to the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools.

In summary, the county council is consulting on:

  • A change to the use of straight line distance in the arrangements for Spalding High School
  • Updating the Sixth Form arrangements for Spalding High School
  • Some minor wording changes to the operation of the reserve list beyond the minimum required by the Code
  • Clarification to admitting up to published admission number in cohorts other than the normal year of entry
  • Changing the published admission number at Normanby by Spital Primary School
  • Minor wording changes in two of the Church criteria

All parents of children aged between two and 18 are entitled to take part.

Many of the county’s foundation, aided, free schools and academies have also proposed changes to their admissions policies and these have been published for consultation too.

The new proposed admissions policies can be found here along with details of how any comments and feedback can be sent to the council.

Any school admissions policies which are not listed will remain unchanged.

The consultation closes on December 18 and final policies for 2019 will be available on the Lincolnshire County Council website in March 2018.