December 8, 2017 5.01 pm This story is over 80 months old

Lincolnshire Talks: Is Gainsborough on the up?

“It is great that such progress is being made in Gainsborough.”

Earlier this week a bigger Lidl was opened in Gainsborough and work in underway for a brand new Travelodge in the town.

This is a string of investment opportunities that companies seem to be taking to the town, and Lincolnshire Reporter asks, does this mean that Gainsborough is on the up?

Lincolnshire Reporter went to Gainsborough to speak to residents about what they think about the recent investment in the town.

Angela Lawrence, Chairman of the West Lindsey District Council, said: “It’s an excellent time for Gainsborough.

“It has needed a bit of a help and this is part of the process that is bringing it back up to what it deserves.”

“There’s not a lot of work around Gainsborough and there’s not a lot of high wages, it really needs it,” said resident Terry Halloran.

Gainsborough MP Sir Edward Leigh. Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

Sir Edward Leigh has been the town’s local MP since 1983 and has seen the town chance a lot, he told Lincolnshire Reporter: “Gainsborough is definitely a town that is on the up.

“It is great that such progress is being made in Gainsborough. The new Lidl store is a real vote of confidence in the town and the new hotel and restaurant being developed on the site of the former Sun Inn has been much needed for many years and will fill an important gap in the town’s offer.

“West Lindsey District Council have been pro-active in searching out grants and using the council’s own capital programme to boost the town.

“I know it is important to the core of local Conservative councillors, who are the majority administration on the Council, that there is a step-change to deliver lasting prosperity to the town.

“Plans for the waterfront, heritage assets of the town centre, regeneration of the Market Place and Market Street and plans to build a crematorium are all good examples of direct interventions.”

The MP also hopes to see an increase in population in the area with the investment.

“Gainsborough is a great place to do business, and companies should definitely consider if the town is right for them.

“The town will benefit from £18 million of public sector investment underpinning heritage-led regeneration and housing-led economic growth. The town is predicted to see an economic growth forecast of 12% which supports a 47% increase in the number of homes in the town, ultimately increasing the population to more than 30,000.”

A third year journalism student at the University of Sunderland, from Lincoln. Due to his below par athletic ability he prefers to write about the sports he loves rather than playing them.