November 5, 2018 1.05 pm This story is over 69 months old

Plans for 46 homes on former Boston waste site

Former waste site earmarked for new homes

A developer looking to demolish a former waste handing depot in Boston is asking the council for permission to build 46 homes on the site.

An application for outline permission to build on land north of Langrick Road, has been submitted to Boston Borough Council by agent Alex Prowse of Astill Planning Consultants on behalf of the applicant listed as “Oxygen”.

Plans describe how the site is a disused waste handling depot, and detail how several existing buildings have “deteriorated” since the facility stopped operating more than a decade ago.

“Additionally, some of these buildings have suffered from extensive vandalism and fire damage and thus are in a state of disrepair,” it says.

The site the developer plans to demolish and build 46-homes on. Photo: Google Streetview

“The rest of the site is occupied by overgrown vegetation and several areas of concrete hard-standing.”

The plans will also incorporate another “vacant” and “boarded up” residential property next to the current access – this, say the documents, will be demolished in order to create space for an improved access road and pathways.

The scheme is described as consisting mainly of two and three-bedroom houses and adds: “There is some scope to incorporate an element of affordable housing.”

Documents say a former proposal was rejected due to concerns over flood risk, but say the developer has comprehensively set out how issues will be addressed in a Flood Risk Assessment.

They conclude: “The proposal will make a positive contribution towards delivering sustainable development through helping to achieve the economic, social and environmental objectives of the planning system.”

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