January 6, 2020 12.50 pm This story is over 55 months old

South Kesteven District Council to choose new chief executive

Former chief executive Aidan Rave left the council last July

South Kesteven District Councillors are set to decide on a new chief executive for the authority.

The district’s employment committee will make their final decision on Wednesday afternoon.

Former Chief Executive Adrian Rave left the authority in July 2019 and was replaced in the interim by Paul Thomas.

His departure was under a reported cloud, with some inside the council suggesting a major row had caused a rift at the top, while others declared they had been gagged over finding out the truth publicly.

Not long after, the council’s leader Matthew Lee also stepped down and was later replaced by his younger counterpart Councillor Kelham Cooke.

Mr Lee later indicated “some of [his] colleagues” disagreed with his vision to drive economic growth and investment.

Reports suggest Mr Rave received £75,000 as a pay-off when he left the authority, but SKDC has declined so far to comment.

The chief executive vacancy advertised a salary up to £127,000.

In a statement at the time Councillor Cooke called for the new chief executive to be a “visible and dynamic leader” and ensure both “clarity and consistency of purpose.”

“The emphasis in the coming years will be on stability and delivery: knowing where our priorities lie, and focusing on outcomes,” he said.

“This is a fantastic career opportunity for an individual whose experience assures that they have a highly developed understanding of the current and emerging landscape; but who also brings the energy and drive to continue to innovate and establish South Kesteven’s reputation as a district to watch.”

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