January 10, 2020 9.48 am This story is over 55 months old

Boston burglars target homes while residents sleep

A large number of items were stolen

Two men and a woman have been arrested after residents of two properties in Boston were allegedly burgled while they were asleep.

Two mobile phones, a wallet, cash, jewellery and a handbag were stolen when a property in Sydney Road was broken into between 4am and 9am on January 5.

A property in Brothertoft Road was broken into between 5am and 6am on Monday, January 6, again while the occupants were asleep. A Playstation 4, video games, a Google Home Mini, children’s rucksacks, a handbag, keys and medication were all stolen.

Police are treating the two burglaries as linked and have already recovered a substantial amount of the items that were stolen.

Officers arrested a 22-year-old woman and two men, aged 28 and 29, in connection with the burglaries, who have all since been released on bail.

Detective Constable Stuart Munro said: “If you are a victim of a burglary it can be extremely frustrating to have had your things stolen but also you can feel violated as someone has trespassed into your home.

“In these cases we have quickly been able to make these arrests and we have already recovered a substantial amount of the items that were stolen which we are now working through. Please always make sure that your home is as secure as it can be before you go to bed.”