September 10, 2020 5.26 pm This story is over 47 months old

Police dogs cheer up former military police woman after nasty fall

A surprise visit from officers and police dogs

A Lincolnshire woman, who used to work for the Military Police in Germany, was given a happy surprise when police dogs and officers went to cheer her up after a nasty accident at her home near Louth.

Barbara Nile from Manby was feeling low after falling headfirst down a full flight of stairs at her home in Manby a few weeks ago.

The 79-year-old suffered several injuries, including a broken wrist, toe and finger, as well as a shattered eye socket and a gash to her head.

She was left extremely shaken, but the visit on Tuesday from Sergeant Tom Richardson and PC Martyn Cragg, along with their working dogs PD Percy and Frankie, put a smile back on her face.

Barbara spent a lot of time around the police dogs when she was working for the Military Police in Germany and her daughter, Tracy, said the visit brought back “many happy memories”.

The visit was prompted after Supt Kieran English heard about Barbara and asked Insp Jason Baxter to organise it, much to the delight of her and her family.

Tracy said: “She was extremely surprised when they turned up and it put a huge smile on her face.

“Sergeant Richardson and PC Cragg were so friendly and explained how the dogs work and even put on a couple of demonstrations for her in the garden.

“It brought back many happy memories of her time in Germany and she couldn’t stop talking about the visit one they had left. We could have easily lost my mum a few weeks ago and this has made her so happy.”