July 29, 2021 8.52 am This story is over 37 months old

Woman injured after out of control dog startles horse in Lincoln village

Police are looking for the owner of the dog who fled the scene

A rider has been left with a broken collar bone after an out of control dog startled her horse as she rode through a field.

It happened near Stonecliff Caravan Park in Prebend Lane, Welton at about 7.30pm on Tuesday, July 27.

Police say two women were riding their horses in a field next to the public footpath when a dog not on a lead has shot through the hedge and run towards the horses from behind.

This startled the horses and caused them to rear up making one of the women fall from her horse breaking her collar bone.

A police spokesperson said: “The owners of the dog did see what had happened but did not stop to ask if they were okay or to apologise.”

The dog is described as a short haired pointer.

Police say there were members of the public in the area at the time and they would like to hear from anyone who saw or heard anything.

They would also like to hear from anyone who knows the owner of the dog. Call Lincolnshire Police on 101 and quote incident 172 of July 28, 2021.