September 15, 2021 2.35 pm This story is over 35 months old

Council still can’t find owner of rotting rubbish trailer abandoned in Lincoln ‘years ago’

It has been there for up to two years

A concerned Lincoln resident has called on the county council to take action over an abandoned trailer left on a street for up to two years, saying he has never seen the area so filthy in more than half a century.

The trailer, described by Lincolnshire County Council as a “wooden caravan-like structure” has been parked on Ripon Street for at least a year, maybe even two according to the resident.

The county council stuck a notice letter to the trailer in March this year, stating it was an obstruction to the highway and needs removing within 28 days, which has still not been done. The council has not set a deadline in its search for the owner, but says it would rather avoid local taxpayers having to pick up the bill for moving it, if possible.

The trailer is full of rotting rubbish. | Photo: Submitted

A notice from the county council was stuck to the trailer stating that it needs to be removed within 28 days, but this was back in March 2021. | Photo: Submitted

And the trailer full of rotting rubbish isn’t the only issue on Ripon Street, as there also appears to be a problem with fly-tipping and overgrown weeds, which City of Lincoln Council says it tackling.

A concerned resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Lincolnite: “I was born and raised in the Sincil Bank area, and in more than 60 years continuous living there I have never seen it in such a filthy, depressing state.

“The ‘caravan-like’ vehicle full of rotting rubbish has been in Ripon Street for maybe as long as two years, and the fact that Lincolnshire County Council failed to follow-up on their own notice in March seems indicative of the way the area is being neglected by the authorities.

“The council seem keen to be seen supporting various community art projects, but if we are to halt the decline and stop the area turning into a sink estate, we need more concrete action; more rigorous investigation of fly-tipping, perhaps CCTV like the installation on Portland Street.

“There also seems to be a consensus in the area that too many residents are on short term leases/rentals and that some, not all, by any means, have little interest in helping keep the area tidy and crime-free.”

Karen Cassar, assistant director for highways at LCC, said: “We’re treating the trailer as an obstruction in the highway, and have issued the notice on it to give us the legal right to remove it.

“However, we’re first trying to find out who the trailer’s owner is, to avoid local taxpayers having to pick up the bill for moving it.

“We appreciate this is a nuisance for local residents. We want to make sure as much of your money as possible goes into maintaining and improving our roads.”

Graffiti has also been found on Ripon Street. | Photo: Submitted

The city council said “Ripon Street and that general area is subject to a significant amount of fly-tipping.” | Photo: Submitted

The city council has also said it will deal with the problem of overgrown weeds on Ripon Street. | Photo: Submitted

Steve Bird, assistant director for communities and street scene at City of Lincoln Council, said: “We are aware of the weeds in the Ripon Street area and indeed in a number of areas across the city. The warm and wet season has promoted significant growth this year. Our weed spraying programme is ongoing, with Ripon Street scheduled to be sprayed in the next two weeks, weather permitting.

“With regards to fly-tipping, once reported, our teams aim to remove any dumped items on public land promptly, ideally within 48 hours. Ripon Street and that general area is subject to a significant amount of fly tipping, which is why we try to check and clear all streets around there at least weekly.

“Any form of fly-tipping can be reported to us online, and we hope that local people will continue to work with us to collect evidence and strengthen our enforcement actions to deter this appalling behaviour.”