May 17, 2022 10.04 am This story is over 27 months old

Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Red Rebels’ perform at Lincoln museum

Expressing their despair at what humans are doing to Mother Earth

Members of Extinction Rebellion donned red velvet costumes and performed ‘tableaux’ choreographed poses at The Collection’s Gaia exhibition to express their despair at what humans are doing to Mother Earth.

The touring art installation created by Luke Jerram has been at The Collection in Lincoln since March and the exhibition is due to run until Sunday, May 29. In Greek mythology, Gaia is the personification of the Earth.

On Sunday, May 15 the art installation provided a dramatic backdrop for the Red Rebels’ performance. The Red Rebels, who are all members of Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire, were dressed in red velvet costumes with veiled headdresses adorned with flowers and ribbons.

The Red Rebels are all members of Extinction Rebellion. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

They silently and slowly made their way to Gaia to express ‘the wonder of Mother Earth, despair at what humans are doing to her, hope and prayer for the future, and strength and one to all living things’.

The Red Rebels raise public awareness of the climate emergency using the creative power of costume and movement.

The Red Rebels outside The Collection Museum in Lincoln. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

Rosemary Robinson, of Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire, said: “Red Rebels leave a powerful and lasting impression on passers-by, inspiring them to reflect on their care of our beautiful planet. Red Rebels is essentially a group meditation. We symbolise strength in unity, silently moving as one, generating peace, love and harmony”.

See more photos below

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

| Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire