October 19, 2022 9.04 am This story is over 22 months old

Scunthorpe police officer on a mission to give more women a voice

Making a difference in the local community

A Scunthorpe police officer wants to give more women a voice in the local area and says “making a difference makes me feel incredible”.

PC Az Hussain, 23, joined Humberside Police 12 months ago and she is already making a difference.

A few months ago she set up a local group to give women a voice and told BBC Look North: “I speak different languages myself so this is one group where I’ve been able to say ‘do you know what, you can tell me this, not in English, in your home language.”

She added: “Making a difference makes me feel incredible. I go home feeling like ‘do you know what, I have changed someone’s life today. I have done something today that’s made someone’s day a little better, a little bit better than before, a little bit better than yesterday.”

Community worker Farzana Khanum said: “So I guess what we know with a lot of the community in terms of hate crime is that people put up with it, so for instance it could be neighbour disputes, things like bullying going on in schools or being verbally abused when they go shopping, targeted because of either their religion and culture, that they won’t come forward.

“So the work that Az is doing is trying to encourage women to have that voice and not put up with things.”