August 21, 2010 1.41 pm This story is over 172 months old

Posterngate: Inside Lincoln’s Roman past

Unique: A multimedia tour of Posterngate, showing glimpses of Lincoln’s roman past.

Lincolnites had a unique chance to visit Posterngate on Saturday, August 21. The underground exhibition is open only a few times every year, and gives a glimpse into the city’s Roman heritage.

Listen to the audio tour — See the extended photo gallery on our Facebook Page

Posterngate is situated under the Royal Bank of Scotland in Bank Street.

A posterngate is a small secondary gate that is usually added into a structure later on, as an afterthought.

A trained guide from from The Collection explained to visitors the history of the city.

The Roman limestone wall is part of the southern wall of the old city of Lincoln.

Excavations in the 1970s revealed the remains of the 4th century gateway.

The cross-section of the Roman city wall is 15 to 16 feet wide.

Trails in the stone show that a gate was used to guard the entry through Posterngate.

The ruins are accessed through a small door at the side of Royal Bank of Scotland.

Manequins depicting life in ancient Lincoln were displayed behind the limestone wall.

A Roman soldier guarded the entrance to Posterngate.