September 30, 2011 10.17 am This story is over 153 months old

Comic shop makes move to market stall

Moving on: A popular city comic book shop was forced to move to a market stall.

Local comic shop Comics World has moved from its location on Clasketgate to the Lincoln Central Market this week.

Owner Mark Brunton explained that the move came about when his place of business was to be converted back into accommodation.

“I had to move out when the building I was in was sold off to be changed from business premises to accommodation. So all the businesses had to move out.

“I decided to move to the market place so I could be more central and hope it’d pick up people who wouldn’t usually notice us. It’s mostly the same except I haven’t got the same space.”

Brunton also mentioned that he would still be selling the same sort of products.

“I still save the latest comics for people who order them and come in every week, and have supported the shop over the years.

“I still sell the latest American comics and some back issues for what I do at 50p.”

“We mainly sell the latest American comics like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image and what people order.

“We can usually can get back issues as well from roughly six months ago if anyone is missing any numbers.”


As well as the shop starting afresh in its new location, one popular comic brand has also relaunched its older titles.

“DC comics have relaunched all their titles back to issue 1 and we’ve had a lot of people coming in quite interested about that and it’s been quite a good seller,” Brunton explains.

“I think Marvel will also do the same thing since it’s worked out so well for DC.”

“What I think I’ll be doing over the next few months is doing more advertising, and probably concentrate on the newer stuff and less on the 50p back issues.”