October 15, 2012 10.08 am This story is over 140 months old

In pictures: Lincoln Zombie Run

Run for your life: Hundreds took the challenge in the first annual Zombie Run at the Lincolnshire Showground.

Hundreds ran for their lives in the first annual Zombie Run at the Lincolnshire Showground on Sunday, October 14, to demonstrate their survival skills in a zombie apocalypse.

The event saw people of all ages taking a part in a 5k assault course, which involved avoiding volunteers dressed as zombies and overcoming various obstacles.

Pete Genders, of non-profit youth organisation Off The Bench, who organised the event, said: “The whole event was absolutely spectacular, we had a great turnout and everyone got into the spirit. We saw some fantastic costumes throughout the day and people had put so much effort into their race wear.

“The whole day was only made possible due to the fantastic bunch of volunteers Off The Bench has, the volunteers did us proud today, taking a whole weekend out to plan, arrange and manage another successful OTB event, we’re now really excited for the Zombie Run 2013, which will be hitting Lincoln in spring 2013.”

‘Zombie overlord’ Alan Mclane, who helped organise the event, added: “We had about three hundred runners and about 60 or 70 zombies. The zombies are volunteers and we threw a party for them last night, in which they had a chance to have a go on the assault course as part of a end of the world party we held.”

On average the race last for an hour with the first over the line finishing the course in 22 minutes.

Photos: Chris Curtiss, James Smart, Leanne Rodgers for OTB Media