October 29, 2012 7.58 am This story is over 140 months old

Students show off robots at Robo Jam

Robo Jam: Gear and gizmos were on the agenda this weekend at the University of Lincoln.

Gear and gizmos were on the agenda this weekend at the University of Lincoln, as the computer society held their annual Robo Jam.

Participants got together over two days to build and program robots.

The equipment used is called Lego Mindstorm, a programmable robot using computers and extensions created with Lego pieces.

Games Computing Science student Peter Anderson, president of the computer society, said: “It’s basically a brick with motors on either side with wheels attached and one on the back for stability.

Peter did admit however their were a few snags along the way.

“We had a few problems like a hitch with the software as something hadn’t installed properly. We did plan to have an extra competition event but we decided to people more time to perfect their machines.”

The competition at the end of the weekend consisted of an obstacle course made out of boxes, designed to challenge the robots sensors.

Each competitor was given three time trials and their best time was selected out of those. The winner’s time was 1:12.

Peter added: “The event went really and even had a lot of fun, we had a few hitches but overall fun.”