February 8, 2013 3.16 pm This story is over 143 months old

Lincolnshire PCC’s policing plan and precept increase approved

Going ahead: The Police and Crime Panel approved PCC Alan Hardwick’s police and crime plan, along with a precept increase of 2%.

Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Plan was approved by the Police and Crime Panel at a public meeting on February 7, along with a precept increase of 2%.

For band B and C properties, the council tax precept increase would equate to 6p per week, 7p per week for band D, and up to to 14p per week for band H. Band A will see a rise of 5p.

Lincolnshire’s elected PCC, Alan Hardwick, proposed a policing plan detailing his key priporities for policing in Lincolnshire.

His plan includes maintaining 1,100 police officers and recruit 23 new police officers, tackling street drinking and get 1,000 Lincolnshire volunteers to work alongside employed officers and staff.

Alan Hardwick said: “I expected to be challenged and I expected my plan to be challenged, but at the end of the day the majority of the Police and Crime panel saw the wisdom of an increase which will mean an extra 6p per week for the vast majority of council tax payers in Lincolnshire.

“Money is short everywhere but I know with this two percent increase and my other elements in my Police and Crime Plan that we can continue to keep Lincolnshire one of the safest counties in the country.”