April 11, 2013 5.03 pm This story is over 134 months old

Lincolnshire Police recover stolen Lincoln smartphones

Found: Police have arrested a man connected with Lincoln phone thefts, resulting in a number of phones recovered.

After a spate in smartphone pickpocketing in Lincoln pubs and clubs, Lincolnshire Police have made a number of successful enquiries.

As previously reported, Lincolnshire Police had reports of around 25 phones being stolen from social venues in the city since February 1.

Since then, an arrest has been made in Manchester regarding the thefts, and a number of phones seized.

Two of the phones were identified as phones stolen from a premises in Lincoln on April 1 and 3.

Lincolnshire Police believe a number of the phones recovered also belong to people in the Lincoln area who did not report their phones as lost of stolen from a venue.

PC Steve Parker is appealing for anyone who has lost or had stolen a phone whilst in a Lincolnpub or club recently contact him if they have not already reported it to the police by email or by phoning/texting 07939 896147.

PC Parker is trying to identify more victims so phones can be returned and the offender further prosecuted.