April 4, 2013 11.29 am This story is over 141 months old

Spike in Lincoln smartphone pickpocketing

Pickpocketing spike: Five smartphones have been reported stolen in one day alone in Lincoln at the weekend, and more than 25 cases since February.

Five smartphones have been reported stolen in one day alone in Lincoln at the weekend and police are warning that such cases are on the increase in the city.

Lincolnshire Police officers investigated five cases that happened on Sunday, March 31.

In each instance, the victims were female and their phones were stolen from a handbag. This mainly occurred while girls were on the dance floor.

Since February 1, there have been 25 similar recorded crimes where smartphones were taken from handbags in city pubs and clubs.

Police believe even more incidents go unreported too.

To stop this offence being as likely to happen, police advise keeping your bag with you at all times, and placing your phone in a secure pocket within the bag.

Lincolnshire Police are also encouraging people to come forward if they are a victim of such crimes, or have any information on pickpocketing.

Contact investigating Officer PC 855 Steve Parker via the 101 number, on his mobile 07939 896147, or email [email protected].