January 15, 2014 11.45 am This story is over 125 months old

Petition started as Lincoln Eastern Bypass bridge approved

Hawthorn Road petition: Residents upset by plans to close a road into Lincoln for the new bypass have set up a petition which received over 500 signatures already.

Residents affected by the proposed closure of a village road into Lincoln for the Eastern Bypass have started a petition to stop the plans, with more than 500 people joining the campaign.

Hawthorn Road, which links villages such as Reepham, Cherry Willingham and Fiskerton to Lincoln, would be closed off to vehicles in order to make way for the Lincoln Eastern Bypass.

Instead, Lincolnshire County Council have devised a “non-motorised” bridge over the bypass, so pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists can still use the route.

However, vehicles would have to use other routes, such as Wragby Road.

At a Planning Committee meeting on January 13, Lincolnshire County Council approved plans to erect the non-motorised bridge.

Disgruntled residents set up an online petition in response to the issue, with more than 500 people signing in the first couple of days.

The petition asks Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin MP, to reconsider the closure of Hawthorn Road as part of the bypass plans.

Started by Louise Carder, the petition states: “We want Hawthorn Road to stay a local access road. We were not consulted about the revised plans, we are having this forced upon us.

“We welcome change of course, we want the bypass, but we want our main existing link to Lincoln to remain.”

The petition cites cost adjustments, traffic implications, historic routes, lost communities, impact on schools and more as reasons why the non-motorised bridge should not go ahead.

Instead, residents would rather see the original plan for a road bridge over the bypass reinstated.

The County Council decided to scrap this plan when the new bypass leg became single carriage, due to lack of funding.

A public enquiry by government officials is now set for the the Eastern Bypass plans from February, which will look into a number of objections from residents and how it will affect them.

Paul Coathup, Assistant Director of Highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “The bypass will bring enormous benefits to people living in and around Lincoln.

“It will alleviate traffic congestion by providing alternative ways to enter the city from the east, and help other traffic avoid the city-centre.

“The scheme has been designed over several years and we’ve tried to accommodate the views of parish councils and local communities throughout the design process.

“A public inquiry about the project will commence on February 4, at which an independent inspector will consider views and objections that have been raised.”