November 6, 2013 3.48 pm This story is over 127 months old

Residents campaign as Eastern Bypass could close Lincoln road

Closed forever? Hawthorn Road, a popular shortcut route into Lincoln used by villagers, could be closed forever to make way for the Eastern Bypass.

Residents have set up a campaign to save a village road from closure due to the proposed Eastern Bypass around Lincoln.

According to a notice, Hawthorn Road to Bunkers Hill in Reepham, north east of Lincoln, would be closed forever once work on the new bypass stretch begins.

The road is used regularly by villagers to cut across to Bunkers Hill in order to get into the city or to the local supermarket, rather than using the busy Wragby Road.

Hawthorne Road will be accessible up until the new bypass route, where motorists will be able to join to go southbound.

However, beyond this point the road will be closed off, blocking the route into Lincoln.

Local residents argue that while a consultation was held regarding the use of the road, it was not well publicised.

However, due to the comments the consultation did receive, the County Council is now looking at putting a bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians across the bypass.

Local resident of 21 years Di Farrell said: “I live in the village of Reepham and have seen the changes in traffic flow caused by increased population.

“I was stunned to see how the Council plans to close Hawthorn Road, which will have a major impact on local people and the wider population.

“If this road is closed it will mean that I will not use the Carlton Shopping Centre, as why travel all the way round the houses so to speak, passing Nettleham fields and Waitrose, in order to go there? I would have to ask the same question of Tesco and Aldi.

“However the main issue is that I would be forced onto the A158, and diverted from the logical route down Bunkers Hill, to work in Lincoln to do a southbound loop which is already gridlocked at the best of times.

“The fears for the emergency services is that they are trapped now and with this mad plan. For the life of me I cannot see the logic in this plan,” she added.

Paul Coathup, Assistant Director for Highways and Transportation at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “I understand why people who use Hawthorn Road as a shortcut feel that way, but there are a few important things to consider.

“One of the key benefits of the eastern bypass is that it will alleviate some of the traffic problems on the A158. So, there will be a quicker and more direct route for drivers going to-and-from Reepham.

“We’re also looking to provide a bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians that will span over the bypass, linking both sides of Hawthorn Road.

“We’ve held a public consultation to understand the views of local residents and all objections will be considered by the planning inspectorate.

“As a council, we always work closely with our local communities to resolve issues like this to try to find a solution that pleases everyone.”