February 21, 2014 11.46 am This story is over 126 months old

Extra parking for Lincoln shopping centre

Road improvements: 25 extra parking spaces will be created at the Carlton Centre on Outer Circle Road in Lincoln.

Extra parking spaces will be created at a shopping centre in uphill Lincoln.

The 25 extra spaces and highway improvements are planned for the Carlton Centre on Outer Circle Road, with work set to start on March 3.

The work will take around six weeks to complete and will lead to a few disruptions.

According to plans, a reconfigured junction will open onto Outer Circle Road, allowing cars to turn left into the Carlton Centre site or left out of the centre, easing potential congestion.

Additionally, a new junction will be located between McDonald’s and Dunelm. McDonald’s has had to re-route part of its drive-thru for this change.

Banks Long & Co Director James Butcher said: “We are delighted to announce that improvement works are about to start and we are convinced that these will ultimately benefit all users of the Carlton Centre.

“The success of the centre has led to action being needed to improve traffic flows into and out of the site and also increased the demand for extra car parking spaces.

“The landlords have also agreed that 25 new car parking spaces will be provided on site and will be carrying out related landscaping work around the site to improve circulation for pedestrians.”