May 14, 2014 11.12 am This story is over 128 months old

Outline plans for 198 Branston homes approved, despite objections

Branston developments: Plans for up to 198 homes in Branston village have been approved by North Kesteven District Council.

Outline plans for development of up to 198 houses and associated infrastructure in a Lincoln village has been approved by North Kesteven District Council.

The 10.86 hectare site will be located on land east of Mere Road, Branston, and west of the B1188 Sleaford Road.

The submitted masterplan shows a highway network, blocks of housing spanning 6.18 hectares, a reserved 0.4 hectares site for a community facility, 2.69 hectares of woodland, 1.57 hectares of amenity green space with footpaths and play areas, and an infiltration basin/swale.

The site, which is currently a farmable field, has been suggested to take principle access from the B1188 Sleaford Road, which will be widened.

This will also necessitate the relocation of the existing bus stop.

The council says the 198 dwellings would contribute significantly towards the district’s housing undersupply.

The outline plans were approved under an agreement requiring payments of over £400,000 for traffic regulation systems, recreational public space, additional education places and provisions of additional health care facilities within Branston and Mere Parish.

The application for approval of reserved matters must begin no later than two years from the final approval.

Outline plans for the residential site off Steaford Road, Branston.

Outline plans for the residential site off Steaford Road, Branston.

Local opposition

In the time after a public meeting on September 11, 2012, North Kesteven District Council received a total of 125 rejection letters from individuals.

A written submission objecting the application was also presented by a local petition, Save Branston Village.

Supporters of the campaign highlighted concerns for the impact on connecting roads. In particular, issues of congestion and road safety were commonly referred to.

Concerns for the impact on local residents, school capacities, environmental impact and the need for amenities were highlighted.

Residents can still leave their comments on the plans via the Save Branston Village petition.