November 26, 2014 10.47 am This story is over 122 months old

Lincolnshire Police donate £500 to local domestic abuse service

Generous donation: Police have given a domestic abuse service funding to help organise festive events for its refuge residents.

Lincolnshire Police has offered a £500 donation to West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service, which will fund festive events for refuge residents.

The money came from the Police Property Act Fund and will fund a trip to the pantomime and a special Christmas party.

The West Lincolnshire service has 13 units of refuge accommodation, and since January, 64 women and 70 children have been supported by the refuge.

It is supported by BBC Children in Need, so allows the service to offer specialist Child and Family Support Workers.

Sarah Norburn, Domestic Abuse Coordinator said: “Lincolnshire Police is pleased to donate to this fantastic service. The decision to go into a refuge can be difficult and particularly challenging for children.

“Those who are at risk of serious harm must feel supported during such times. The work that West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service delivers in the county cannot be underestimated; on a daily basis they are changing lives. Refuges are a vital part of a system that provides support at all stages of the survivor’s journey”.

The Child and Family Support Workers offer:

  • 1:1 support to the children – allowing them to express and explore their thoughts, feelings and experiences of domestic abuse
  • Family Fun sessions – allowing mum and children to have fun and re-build relationships that have been damaged by domestic abuse
  • Family Support sessions – specialist sessions supporting mum and children to discuss, work through and move forward positively from experiences of domestic abuse.
  • Assist getting children back into the routine of attending school, nursery etc. and support the family in accessing community services (such as GP, Sure Start centres)