March 10, 2015 11.00 am This story is over 111 months old

Parking fines surplus earmarked to fund school drop-off CCTV

School parking: A £100,000 surplus made from parking fines could be spend on installing CCTV cameras to monitor parking outside schools.

A scheme to pilot CCTV cameras outside schools is being considered as a result of a £100,000 surplus made by Lincolnshire County Council in parking fines.

The total made by parking enforcement between April 2014 and March 2015 was revealed alongside the county council’s Highways and Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday, March 9.

The council generated £122,118 in income from the top ten most fined streets in Lincoln alone.

The surplus made is “ring-fenced” to be invested back into specific schemes to improve parking enforcement, environmental projects and other schemes relating to transportation.

The council is currently working in a variety of projects across the county including expanding residents’ parking schemes in Lincoln.

In addition, councillors at the scrutiny committee meeting discussed the possibility of installing CCTV cameras outside schools to monitor parking.

Executive Councillor for Highways and Transport Richard Davies said: “We’re in the early stages of considering a pilot project which could see portable CCTV cameras being used outside schools, to monitor parking on zig zag lines.

“We know there is a problem outside some schools, where some parents/carers park inconsiderately while dropping their children off.

“This could be one way of tackling repeat offenders and ensuring children can get to school in greater safety.

“We would undertake a feasibility study before any scheme of this nature would go ahead. ”

No schools have  yet been earmarked for the considered pilot scheme.