July 29, 2015 10.04 am This story is over 110 months old

Council ‘reluctantly’ approves plan for 142 new homes in Lincoln village

Extra conditions: Outline planning permission has been granted for 142 new homes in a Lincoln village, despite a host of objections.

An outline planning application for up to 142 homes near to RAF Waddington has been approved by North Kesteven District Council despite councillors and residents voicing objections.

The plan submitted by Gladman Developments Ltd proposes the new homes on 4.78 ha of greenfield land east of Grantham Road in the village.

A larger scheme of 275 homes was initially submitted on 9.34 ha of land, including a site to the east of RAF Waddington.

This was however reduced in scale following consultations with the MOD and Environmental Health due to noise concerns and conflict with navigation radars.

The outline application illustrates a layout of two storey developments with around 30 houses per ha.

In total, the council received 47 letters/emails of objections. The concerns suggested the site is located beyond the existing village development limit.

Objectors also outlined an increase in traffic along the busy section of the A607 to Lincoln and raised concerns that heavy traffic would conflict with limited footpaths in the area.

Aesthetic worries about the development were also brought up, as well as reference to a lack of school places and the impact of noise from and the air base in close proximity.

Among responses to the outline plans, Lincolnshire County Council seconded that the development would have a direct impact on local schools.

A contribution equating to £849,656 has been requested to mitigate against the impact and contribute towards school places.

The plans were granted outline permission at a meeting on July 28 with an extensive list of conditions including the design and height of the houses.