July 17, 2015 3.51 pm This story is over 107 months old

Wanted man jailed after attempting to trick police in Lincoln

Jailed: A man who gave a false name to the police when he was spotted in Lincoln, after failing to appear in court, has been jailed for four months.

A man who gave a false name to the police when he was spotted in Lincoln, after failing to appear in court, has been jailed for four months.

Nathan Gladwell, 25, was stopped by officers after they saw him walking down Monks Road in Lincoln on June 19.

Gladwell had been circulated as wanted a month earlier after he failed to appear at Lincoln Crown Court for breaching a suspended sentence.

Edna Leonard, prosecuting, said Gladwell was walking down Monks Road in Lincoln at 3.15pm when he was recognised by police officers.

Miss Leonard told the court: “He gave a false name, that of Grant Shepperton, and a false date of birth. The officers checked the police national computer and realised he was wanted.”

Gladwell was arrested and in interview admitted giving a false name because he knew he was wanted.

The court heard Gladwell had been sentenced to a four month suspended prison sentence at Grimsby Crown Court in June last year for an offence of theft from a dwelling.

As part of the sentence Gladwell was ordered to carry out 18 months probation supervision but he attended just 14 out of 24 appointments because he was working.

Sunil Khanna, mitigating, told the court Gladwell began his probation order well and then moved to York, but he returned to Lincolnshire after splitting up with his girlfriend.

Mr Khanna said: “At the time of the offence he was back in Lincoln sofa surfing and drinking.”

The court heard Gladwell was also in breach of a conditional discharge imposed for shoplifting.

Passing sentence Judge John Pini QC told Gladwell: “You were seen by police officers on Monks Road at 3.15pm and you obstructed them by giving them a false name and date of birth.”

Gladwell of Risedale, Caistor, admitted obstructing a police officer, breaching a suspended sentence for theft, and breaching a conditional discharge for theft.