August 23, 2016 1.00 pm This story is over 94 months old

Louth man gets suspended jail sentence after asking 15-year-old for sex

A Louth man who asked a 15-year-old girl for sex escaped an immediate jail sentence after appearing in court on August 23. Joshua Bagley initially contacted the girl on Facebook and she agreed to be friends with him. But Andrew Scott, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court that Bagley went on to send her text messages…

A Louth man who asked a 15-year-old girl for sex escaped an immediate jail sentence after appearing in court on August 23.

Joshua Bagley initially contacted the girl on Facebook and she agreed to be friends with him.

But Andrew Scott, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court that Bagley went on to send her text messages initially asking her if she would go out with him and then asking if she would meet up for sex.

The girl made it clear to Bagley that she was only 15 but he went on to ask her to send him “some cheeky, dirty pics”.

Mr Scott said the offences came to light after the girl asked for a supply of condoms during a visit to her local youth centre.

She explained the reason for her request and said she was not sure she wanted to meet Bagley. The matter was subsequently referred to police.

Mr Scott said: “The defendant was interviewed. He made a full and frank admission and said he was ashamed of his actions.

“He was most remorseful for what he did. He confirmed what he sent in the texts in terms of meeting up with her. He said he was not sure he would have gone through with it.”

Joshua Bagley, 21, of Trinity Court, Louth, admitted charges of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and inciting a child to send indecent photographs between February 3 and 10 this year.

He was given an eight month jail sentence suspended for 12 months and placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.

He was also given a three-year restraining order banning him from contacting the 15-year-old.

Judge Michael Heath, passing sentence, told Bagley: “In my judgement, having read the pre-sentence report and having seen you and read the documents and references submitted, this was the act of an immature person and it wasn’t sinister.

“I can deal with you in a way that does not mean you will lose your liberty immediately. I am satisfied that you have learned your lesson and won’t do anything like this again.”

Bagley, who represented himself, told the court: “I have no intention of ever contacting girls who are under age. I have genuinely learned from this.”