September 22, 2016 9.52 am This story is over 93 months old

Campaign launched to empower victims to report sexual violence in Lincolnshire

A week-long campaign has been set up to raise awareness of sexual violence in Lincolnshire. The #NoMore campaign will run on social media from the Monday, September 26 and aims to change the culture around sexual violence and abuse, empowering victims to make a decision on whether to report sexual violence and promote the support…

A week-long campaign has been set up to raise awareness of sexual violence in Lincolnshire.

The #NoMore campaign will run on social media from the Monday, September 26 and aims to change the culture around sexual violence and abuse, empowering victims to make a decision on whether to report sexual violence and promote the support services available in the county.

Posters have been distributed around the county by partner organisations from Lincolnshire’s Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership.

Anyone can take part by tweeting a picture of themselves holding a #NoMore slogan board supporting the aims of the campaign.

Anyone can take part by tweeting a picture of themselves holding a #NoMore slogan board supporting the aims of the campaign.

This comes as a woman in Lincoln was sexually assaulted on her way home from Circles club in Lincoln on Wednesday, September 21.

Figures have also been released that suggest conviction rates for sexual offences across Lincolnshire are higher than the average for the whole of England.

In Lincolnshire 90.5% of sexual offences that go to court are convicted – compared to the England average of 77.7%.

Hayley Child, sexual violence coordinator at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “To reduce the rates of sexual violence and abuse, a whole culture change is needed and the #NoMore awareness campaign is the start of that.

The campaign will run from Monday, September 26.

The campaign will run from Monday, September 26.

“In September we’re particularly focusing on students across the county, encouraging them to report, seek support and challenge behaviour in relation to sexual violence and abuse.”

Heather Ind, crisis worker at Lincolnshire’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre, said:

“No-one should ever be a victim of sexual abuse, no-one should feel unsupported and no-one should ever justify sexual violence.

“There is support for everyone, male or female, of any age. We should never accept sexual violence as the norm in our society.”