June 16, 2017 1.06 pm This story is over 91 months old

Developers appeal for Brayford floating restaurant plans to be reconsidered

Developers are appealing against a refusal for a second floating restaurant on Brayford Pool in Lincoln. As previously reported, the City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee unanimously refused plans for a second floating restaurant on the Brayford at a meeting on September 14, 2016. Proposals would have seen a £1 million restaurant built on stilts – similar…

Developers are appealing against a refusal for a second floating restaurant on Brayford Pool in Lincoln.

As previously reported, the City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee unanimously refused plans for a second floating restaurant on the Brayford at a meeting on September 14, 2016.

Proposals would have seen a £1 million restaurant built on stilts – similar to the city’s Wagamama unit. It would have also created around 30 jobs.

Photo: Stem Architects

Applicants Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, on behalf of David Rossington, have now made an appeal to the Secretary of State against the previous decision made by the City of Lincoln Council.

Plans were previously submitted by David Rossington on behalf of Investors in Lincoln, the regeneration group which works with the Brayford Trust to look after the marina.

The lease of the building would provide the Brayford Trust with a secure income, which it plans to use to restore and maintain the pool.

Opposition to the plans

In the original planning consultation, a number of objections were received from local residents on the grounds that views across the pool would be obscured.

Artist impression by Stem Architects

Jeremy Wright, who objects to the plans said: “This application seeks to acquire a prime location on the Brayford pool for private commercial gain, and to significant public detriment, causing harm to public enjoyment of the area and to detriment of economic and tourism activities on Brayford Wharf North.

“A justification for this application is that it would enable restoration of the Viewing Platform and dredging of the Brayford Pool, but there are no facts to substantiate these dubious statements.”

Those agains plans now have until July 11 to make representations and object to the proposals.

Representations can be made online here by searching case reference APP/M2515/W/17/3171104