August 11, 2017 10.46 am This story is over 82 months old

Lincoln man admits sex offence against underage girl

He will be sentenced next month.

A Lincoln man will be sentenced next month after he admitted attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.

Martyn Cairns pleaded guilty to a single charge of attempting to incite a girl aged under 16 to engage in sexual activity when he appeared at Lincoln Crown Court on Friday, August 11.

The offence happened between March 2 and April 18 this year, the court was told.

51-year-old Cairns pleaded not guilty to a second charge of attempting to meet a girl following grooming.

Michael Cranmer-Brown, defending, said Cairns was only involved in “role play” and there was no intention on his part to meet up with the girl.

Abi Joyce, prosecuting, said those pleas were acceptable to the Crown Prosecution Service.

The court heard Cairns, of Newark Road, Lincoln, had pleaded guilty to other offences relating to another underage girl at an earlier hearing.

Sentence was adjourned for the preparation of a probation report and Cairns was remanded in custody until September 1 when he will reappear at Lincoln Crown Court.

Judge Michael Heath told him: “You will be sentenced on September 1.

“In the meantime I will adjourn for the preparation of a pre-sentence report by the Probation Service.

“You will be remanded in to custody.”