November 13, 2017 1.38 pm This story is over 79 months old

Man jailed for knifepoint petrol station robberies in Grantham

Behind bars.

A man who carried out two knifepoint robberies of petrol stations has been jailed for four years at Lincoln Crown Court.

Matthew Wood staged the raids within three days of each other making off with cash after threatening staff.

Rebecca Coleman, prosecuting, said that Wood covered his face to conceal his identity before entering the Jet Service Station on Manthorpe Road, Grantham, on the evening of September 18 this year.

He produced a knife and after threatening the cashier he told her “Just give me the money.”

Wood fled with £110 cash and was seen to run off towards Wyndham Park.

The following day police carried out a search of the park and found an orange Sainsbury’s carrier bag similar to the one which the robber had during the raid.

They also found a black-handled knife which forensic tests matched to Wood.

Three days after the Jet petrol station raid Wood carried out a similar raid on the BP service station on Bridge End Road, Grantham.

Miss Coleman said: “He threatened the staff member with a knife and again shouted ‘Give me the money’.

“He was wearing a black scarf which covered his face apart from his eyes. He left with £43.”

Police investigating the raid found clothing dumped in a bin nearby which was linked to Wood as a result of forensic tests.

Wood was subsequently arrested and made a full confession when he was interviewed.

Wood, 22, of Barrowby Road, Grantham, admitted two charges of robbery committed on September 18 and 21 this year.

Recorder Gareth Evans QC, passing sentence, told him: “One can only imagine the terror you caused. You know that the sentence has to be an immediate custodial sentence.”

Stephen Mather, in mitigation, said that Wood acted out of character at a time when he was desperate.

“He had been in a relationship with a woman and they decided to relocate to Leicester.

“It didn’t work out and he was dumped.

“He was left with nowhere to live. He felt very let down and vulnerable.

“The relationship had caused a breakdown of communication with his mother.

“He had no job. He had no money. He had got into a very bad place. That’s why he did what he did.”

Mr Mather said that since his arrest Wood has been reconciled with his mother and has both accommodation and a job available to him when he is released.