November 24, 2017 10.07 am This story is over 79 months old

Skegness teen mugged 83-year-old woman as she was waiting for a bus


A teenager who mugged an 83-year-old woman as she waited at a bus stop has been given two-and-a-half years in a young offenders’ institution.

Shaun Allsop was one of two men who approached victim Brenda Wheat as she waited at the junction of Sea Lane and Roman Bank at Ingoldmells on her way home from a bingo session.

Jonathan Straw, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court that Allsop walked up to the pensioner and told her “Give me your bag if you don’t want to get hurt”.

Mr Straw said: “She threw the bag down. This defendant picked it up and with the other male fled the scene.”

The bag contained £18 as well as bank cards and personal documents.

Police identified Allsop from CCTV footage and he was arrested after being found sleeping in a tent near to the A52.

Allsop was later picked out by the victim at an identity parade.

Allsop, 18, of Firbeck Avenue, Skegness, admitted a charge of robbery as a result of the incident on September 25 this year.

Recorder Gareth Evans QC, passing sentence, told him: “This is a serious offence. Your victim must have been terrified to be confronted by you.”

Terry Boston, in mitigation, said Allsop found himself homeless when he was 16 and he ended up living in a tent on the sand dunes at Skegness.

“He had only just had his 18th birthday when this offence took place.

“He had been working but was then laid off from his job as a barman. Unfortunately he developed a habit for spice.”