March 22, 2018 7.54 pm This story is over 75 months old

New six storey block with car park and possible hotel approved in Lincoln city centre

It will replace scrappy NCP car park.

A six storey building will be built on the site of the Grantham Street NCP car park in Lincoln city centre.

Plans submitted by Jackson & Jackson Developments were approved by City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee at a meeting on Thursday, March 22.

Councillors voted by a margin of seven to three to support the development which will include a car park on the first two floors.

Plans for the remaining four floors are more flexible, with the applicants proposing that the space could be used as residential accommodation, student flats, office space, or as a hotel.

A more detailed reserved matters application will have to go before the committee at a later date.

Dominic Jackson, of Jackson & Jackson Developments, said: “We submitted outline plans at this stage as the area suits so many uses from hotels to offices to student accommodation.

“The scheme will see huge improvements to the NCP offering with a modern parking facility.

“I’m looking forward to improving the overall area. The scrappy sections of land don’t do the surrounding buildings such as The Terrace and The Collection justice.”

The proposed new building on the site of Grantham Street Car Park.

Councillor Biff Bean, representing Hartsholme ward, said there were “no problems from Mr Bean” regarding the plans, adding that he was pleased about the proposed mixed use of the site.

He said: “I like the development.”

Not everyone was convinced by the plans.

Councillor Naomi Tweddle, who voted in favour, was unconvinced about the size and potential use of the building, saying she did not want it to be simply accommodation, especially as the site lies within the Cultural Quarter.

Councillor Tweddle, who represents Minster ward, said: “If the building can have some sort of cultural use, then that would be very helpful.”

Residents living close to the development site raised concerns about its size and scale, and the Lincoln Civic Trust complained that the building will “overpower” Grantham Street and Swan Street.

Speaking at the meeting, Jeremy Wright from the trust described the development as “colossal”, and would lead to an “unacceptable” loss of light and privacy.

He said: “This site should be developed in a much more sensitive way.”

Councillor Tony Speakman, ward member for Carholme, voted against the plans.

He said: “I do feel this is a severe overdevelopment. The design and height seem totally out of proportion.

“It’s too big for that area.”

Councillor Gary Hewson, for Boultham, added: “This development seems similar to The Gateway which is fine where that is. However, we should strive for something better in this area.”

The building, if used as a hotel in the future, would sit next to New Theatre Royal’s plans for its own 63-bedroom hotel and restaurant.

Plans for this hotel were submitted by New Theatre Royal towards the end of 2017 but have yet to go through planning.