April 13, 2018 3.30 pm This story is over 74 months old

Farm worker invented bizarre false tale of kidnap by ex

The former LIVES first responder did not explain why he invented the abduction.

A farm worker invented a story that his ex partner had kidnapped him causing her to be arrested and held in custody for six hours, a court was told.

Craig Troop arrived dishevelled and covered in mud at the home he shared with his new partner claiming to have been abducted and bundled into a car.

Police were contacted and Troop told them how he went out of the back door of his home to urinate only to be attacked by a group of people who placed a bag over his head.

Troop claimed he was punched in the ribs and then led down the street before being bundled into a car and driven off.

Jonathan Dunne, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court that Troop said that whilst in the car he recognised the voice of his former girlfriend Jade Drayton discussing with a number of men where he was going to be dumped.

Troop then claimed to have been left on a stretch of road between Kelstern and Binbrook before making his way back to his then home in Binbrook.

As a result what he said on arriving home, police were contacted and Jade Drayton was arrested.

She was held in custody for six hours and then spent three months on bail before eventually being cleared by the subsequent police inquiry, which revealed that Troop had told them a pack of lies.

Troop was himself then arrested along with his new girlfriend Samantha Wilson. The pair were jointly charged with perverting the course of public justice and Ms Wilson, 33, spent months awaiting trial before being cleared when the prosecution offered no evidence against her following the discovery of text messages which showed she had nothing to do with the false story.

The court was told that Troop offered no explanation as to why he invented the kidnap claim and now says he has no memory of doing it.

Troop, 32, of School Lane, Hainton, Lincolnshire, admitted perverting the course of justice between April 28 and May 1 2016. He was jailed for 12 months.

Judge Simon Hirst, passing sentence, told Troop: “The circumstances of this offending are bizarre. On your account you were taken hostage in a car and then dumped.

“You made it up. All of this was untrue.

“Why you did this is not clear. I do not for one moment accept that you have no recollection of this case.

“Jade Drayton was arrested. She spent six hours in custody being interviewed about this matter. She then spent three months on bail while the police investigated the case. The effect of that on her must have been very significant indeed.

“A considerable amount of police time was taken up investigating your allegation.

“This is a serious case of its type. The only sentence that can be imposed is an immediate custodial sentence.”

Giles Bedloe, in mitigation, said that Troop has health problems and has been diagnosed with a cardiac condition.

His health issues resulted in Troop losing his HGV licence and he subsequently switched jobs from lorry driving to running a chicken farm.

“The reality is that I cannot explain why this offence took place. Mr Troop is a man with virtually no criminal record. It is out of character. It is bizarre and is inexplicable.”

He said Troop was involved in charity work and had been a first responder with LIVES until being suspended following his arrest.