May 10, 2018 11.50 am This story is over 76 months old

Skegness drug dealer caught despite assaulting officer

The officer chased him down and detained him.

A Skegness police officer chased down a drug dealer who assaulted him and arrested him with the help of a good samaritan.

Richard Pitt, 40, of Roman Bank, Skegness, was handed prison sentence of five years and nine months for drug offences and assaulting a police constable.

Pitt was riding a moped on Cavendish Road, Skegness, on March 26 2018 when he was stopped by a local PC on suspicion of committing a traffic offence.

When asked for his details, Pitt used his helmet to push the officer, knocking him to the floor before running away down Cavendish Road.

The officer gave chase and managed to detain him on the same road. Pitt was said to have aimed several punches at the officer, who was assisted by a member of the public in holding him.

After being searched, he was discovered to have 29 wraps of a white solid substance inside two plastic containers and pockets. A search of his property on Drummond Road also found drug supply items.

The drugs were later discovered to be heroin and cocaine.

He was charged on March 27 and pled guilty at court on May 3 at Lincoln Crown Court.

OIC DC David Dixon of Lincolnshire Police said: “This offender was determined to hide his offences at all costs, even if it meant assaulting one of the people who spends their days keeping communities safe.

“The officer in this case was given the support he needed, but was back out protecting people immediately.

“Their dedication was shown by the fact that they were the ones who picked themselves up and made the arrest.

“Drug-dealing in Skegness will not be tolerated.

“It brings misery and more crime to local communities, and as a force, we will not stand for it.

“It was important therefore that the offender was made to face the courts for his actions, and admit that he was responsible for his crimes.”