July 18, 2018 8.43 am This story is over 78 months old

Over 80 homes set for Boston countryside land

More than 8- new homes for Boston

An 83 home residential development in Boston is expected to be approved by councillors next week.

Planning permission is sought for land to the east of White House Lane in Fishtoft and will be put forward by Sutton Wilkinson Architects.

Council officers at Boston Borough Council have given a recommendation of approval for the proposal despite it being a departure from the authority’s current local plan.

The location of the site is designated as countryside under the borough’s plan which was adopted in 1999.

Aerial view of the White House Lane site in Boston.

But, the land has now been allocated for housing under the emerging South East Lincolnshire Local Plan which will outline that 5,900 homes need to be built in the town.

Members of the council’s planning committee will meet to discuss the proposal on July 24.

The application proposes a mixture of homes, including 66 market and 17 affordable homes.

A total of 15 houses would be two-bedroom, 63 three-bedroom, four would be four-bedroom and one five-bed home.

The council said that the application would not have a “significant detrimental impact” on the local area.

In a report, it said: “The council is unable to demonstrate a 5 year land supply for new housing, and it is considered that, due to the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and the general lack of significant detrimental impact caused by the proposed development, that the application should be approved for development.”