July 16, 2018 10.39 am This story is over 71 months old

Turtley cool reptile spotted in Lincoln waters

The terrapin was basking in the sunshine

A large terrapin turtle has been spotted swimming in the River Witham over the weekend.

Basking in the Summer sunshine, the reptile popped its head up over the water near the locks on Stamp End.

On her Saturday morning walk, Marilyn Shepley said she was surprised when she spotted the terrapin’s eyes popping up over the water.

She said: “I was having an early morning walk by the river, trying to photograph the wildlife. I was expecting to see butterflies, dragonflies and birds so it was very surprising to see a terrapin.

“As I was scanning the water with my camera, I just happened to see some eyes above the water. I thought it was a big fish at first.”

Some residents raised concerns for the reptile when Marilyn posted a short video on the ‘You’re Probably from Lincoln if’ facebook page.

Dave Legg wrote: “That looks like a terrapin, no doubt that one was discarded in the ’90s when teenage mutant ninja turtles was all the rage judging by its size.

The Lincolnite reported last year when a baby terrapin was spotted swimming in a canal in Lincoln – could this terrapin be the same one?

A number of otters were also spotted exploring the waterways of Lincoln’s city centre.

Taken an interesting, funny or unusual video in Lincoln? Get in touch with the news team via [email protected].