August 20, 2018 4.24 pm This story is over 76 months old

Boston braced for new dental practice

The first of four new practices to help with demand in Lincolnshire

A plan for one of the four new NHS-contracted dental practices to be opened as part of a £34 million investment, has been submitted to Boston Borough Council.

The plans, for 30 Market Place, Boston, request a change of use from the current Financial Services class to a Dental Surgery.

The applicant is JDSP Dental Limited, the organisation mentioned in a recent NHS England announcement about several new practices opening in Lincolnshire.

No further details are available on the authority’s website at the time of publication, however, the announcement mentioned a new extended access dental practice for routine and urgent care in Boston.

NHS England said the plan was to open from 8am to 8pm seven days a week (excluding bank holidays).

Making the announcement back in July Di Pegg, Head of Primary Care for NHS England in Lincolnshire, said: “We’re also pleased to have reached an agreement for extended access NHS dental services to return to Johnson Community Hospital for the long-term.

Di Pegg, Head of Primary Care for NHS England in Lincolnshire said: “Overall, the fact that we are delivering a significant increase in the availability of NHS dental treatment throughout Lincolnshire will come as welcome news for thousands of local people, who from January 2019 will find it much easier to benefit from routine, urgent and out-of-hours NHS dental care closer to where they live.”

The new contracts from NHS England will see £3.4million-a-year spent on local dental care, with three further new practices in Lincoln, Spalding and Sleaford promised, along with the replacement for the NHS Dental Practice at Johnson Community Hospital, in Pinchbeck.

The new services will come into effect from January 2019, and treat around 40,000 patients a year.

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