October 23, 2018 3.35 pm This story is over 68 months old

New patient transport provider found for North Lincolnshire

They’ll take-over from previous providers, who were sacked for poor performance

A new provider has been found for non-emergency patient transport in North Lincolnshire after Thames Ambulance Service was dropped.

Savoy Ventures Limited, which is based in Kent, will take over the contract commissioned by the local clinical commissioning group from March 6, 2019.

It comes after the controversial contract with Thames Ambulance Service was terminated due to poor performance.

North Lincolnshire CCG cancelled the contract back in March after patients were still “experiencing difficulty” with the service.

Now, Brian Wren, chief executive officer at Savoy Ventures, said he believes the company can provide an “efficient service” for the region.

“The company has targeted a number of new contracts specifically where we believe we can make a difference and we are delighted to have been awarded the contract for non-emergency patient transport in North Lincolnshire,” he said.

“We are looking forward to working with North Lincolnshire CCG and local stakeholders to ensure we make that difference.”

Any patient with transport already booked for on or after March 6 will automatically have their booking transferred to Savoy Ventures.

Jane Ellerton, Head of Strategic Commissioning at North Lincolnshire CCG, said: “We are pleased to have awarded the non-emergency patient transport contract to Savoy Ventures and look forward to working with them.

“Patient transport services are for those who have a medical condition that prevents them from getting to their appointment by other means so it is essential those who really need the service get access to it.

“We engaged thoroughly with our patients ahead of undertaking a detailed procurement process. We are hopeful North Lincolnshire patients will see an improvement in service as a result.”