October 3, 2018 10.03 am This story is over 75 months old

New student flats planned, instead of hotel

The student flats would be an extension of an ongoing build next-door.

Plans for a seven storey building which would include 114 student flats are set to go before City of Lincoln council next week.

The build would replace a previously approved proposals for a hotel and restaurant.

The application by Jackson and Jackson Developments would include a commercial unit on the ground floor of the new building on the junction of Clasketgate and Flaxengate.

It would see the former Pygott and Crone Estate Agency and associated car parking to the rear demolished.

A previous application for the site, from the current leaseholders of the New Theatre Royal, for a six-story hotel and restaurant was already approved in May.

The report for new accommodation plans notes that it would be a similar build to the scheme already approved.

Dominik Jackson of Jackson & Jackson Developments said: “The site neighbours our existing scheme with full planning permission and lends itself really well to being incorporated.

“There’s a previous applicants scheme in place for a hotel but the site is challenging in terms of optimum capacity for this use.

“This is a key area for Lincoln, sitting in the cities cultural quarter, therefore we have worked with the architects and planners to create a design of distinct quality, creating a contrast to the neighbouring scheme which ensures a interesting and considered street scene. The materials are super important.

“Through the Grantham Street works we’ve put huge resource into handling of the archeology in the area making all finds publicly available in the interest of the city. We hope to continue this if the new application is successful.”

It says changes including a lowering of the ground floor roof space, have resulted in the ability to include seven-storeys at a slightly decreased height.

It says the new developers tried to incorporate their ideas into the external appearance of the former plans, but had found challenges with the location of new floor levels.

Concerns have been raised by a nearby nightclub who have expressed concerns that their opening times may be limited.

Officers have recommended granting the proposal and say the development ‘would deliver economic and social sustainability’.

The report adds: “The provision of student accommodation would also improve the social sustainability of the development being in close proximity to the university campus, diverting need away from family homes elsewhere within the city and contributing to housing delivery.”

They say the proposals result in a ‘modern building that will assimilate well’, and add they: “Offer the opportunity to regenerate this important area with a high quality development that is suitably scaled to appropriately integrate with the surrounding townscape that contributes to the valued character and appearance of the conservation area.”

The report before the council details how the bed spaces would be arranged into a ‘number of clusters, each with a common room’.

If approved next week, the student accommodation would become an extension of an already underway student block by Jackson & Jackson Developments next-door.

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