November 12, 2018 1.31 pm This story is over 67 months old

Man raided home of disabled woman, 90, as she slept

His DNA was found on a ginger beer bottle

A burglar who raided the home of a disabled 90-year-old woman as she slept has been jailed for 12 months after a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court.

Sebastian Mocny smashed a kitchen window to get into the property on New Hammond Beck Road, Boston, and went on to search rooms in the house.

He fled from the scene when he walked into a downstairs room and discovered the elderly occupier in bed.

Almas Ben-Aribia, prosecuting, said that the burglary was discovered the following morning by a care worker who called at the property to give the elderly woman her breakfast.

Miss Ben-Aribia said: “The victim is bed-bound and deaf. She relies on carers who go in on a daily basis.

“Her carer discovered the house had been burgled. Entry had been gained by forcing the kitchen window.

“There had been a search of the house. Cupboards, drawers, jewellery cases and boxes were left open.

“A bottle of ginger beer had been opened and left in the kitchen.”

Mocny made off with a bottle of wine, a bottle of whisky and a collection of old coins.

He was arrested after his DNA was found on the ginger beer bottle.

When Mocny was interviewed he said he regularly passed the house on his way to and from work and thought it was not occupied so decided to break in.

Miss Ben-Aribia said: “He told the police that he searched each room looking for gold. When he discovered someone was asleep downstairs he decided to leave. He told the police that he felt ashamed of his actions.”

Mocny, 37, of Paddock Grove, Boston, admitted burglary on the night of July 16-17. He asked for a further offence of burglary of the Black Sluice Centre in Boston to be taken into consideration.

He was jailed for 12 months.

David Eager, in mitigation, said Mocny admitted the burglaries when he was at the police station and entered a guilty plea at the first opportunity.

He said that Mocny has already spent a number of weeks in custody since his arrest in September and urged that he should be given a suspended jail sentence.

Mr Eager added: “He has never committed this type of offence before. In prison he has for the most part been isolated because of his lack of English. He has absolutely no desire to go back there.”