November 2, 2018 1.55 pm This story is over 74 months old

Sims player recreates Lincoln Strelitzia house

She would love to take a look around the house

A mother of two has recreated the Michaelgate Strelitzia house on The Sims after falling in love with its design.

Charlotte Ann Harrison, a Lincoln resident and dog groomer, likes to play computer games in her spare time.

After a hard day of work, she relaxes by logging into The Sims and playing around with different houses.

“I was walking around the city with my two children in summer when I decided to take on the challenge,” Charlotte told The Lincolnite.

David welcoming guests into his Sims home.

She was only able to design the exterior of the house and has always wanted to have a look inside.

When she saw that The Lincolnite’s feature tour of the inside of the house, Charlotte decided to log back into the game.

The main bedroom of the Strelitzia.

“It didn’t quite look like I imagined. I always thought that there would be lots of gadgets and that it would have lots of expensive looking furniture.

“The house doesn’t really give too much away when you are walking past, I have always been eager to see what the house looked like on the inside.”

Charlotte loved creating the bathroom.

In total, Charlotte estimates that she has spent around £200 on expansion packs and around 90 minutes recreating the Strelitzia.

She hopes that the owner of the house likes her recreation and wants to make sure that she can put a smile on his face.

David likes to sit here and eat breakfast while looking over the city.

“I would love to have a look around myself. If the owner rented it out I would definitely stay there, even though I live about five minutes away.

“The views look like they would be amazing. I also agree with the owner that it would make a brilliant setting for a Bond villain.

“I am not going to stop creating there though, I cannot wait to create even more iconic Lincoln buildings.”

An almost identical replica.