December 4, 2018 4.45 pm This story is over 72 months old

Police officer fired over drunk driving

His actions amounted to gross misconduct

A Humberside Police officer, who faced allegations of drunk driving and carrying a knife, has been sacked after a special case hearing on Tuesday.

As previously reported, PC 2321 Tyler-Jones pleaded guilty at Grimsby Magistrates Court on September 13 to driving over the limit and being in possession of a bladed article, a lock-knife.

The proportion of it in his breath, 87 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeded the prescribed limit.

It was also noted at the previous hearing that he had with him, without good reason or lawful authority in a public place, a lock-knife.

Special case hearing

The special case misconduct hearing took place at The Old Magistrates Court in Goole on Tuesday, December 4 at 1pm.

The chair of the panel found the actions of PC Tyler-Jones, which resulted in his conviction at court, amounted to gross misconduct.

His conduct was believed to have breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in respect of Discreditable Conduct, contrary to Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012.

During a hearing scheduled in front of chief constable Lee Freeman, PC Tyler-Jones was dismissed.

PC Tyler-Jones was off-duty at the time of the offence. He was removed from operational duty throughout the investigation into his conduct.